
Hungry to kick-start a rewarding career in science or technology?

Apprenticeships are a great way to earn while you learn

You’ll be working in the real world, with a real wage. You’ll learn on the job with the support of a mentor. At the same time, you’ll gain a qualification and a chance to climb the career ladder.

Have you got what it takes to be a Tiro apprentice?

If you have the determination to succeed, you could find an apprenticeship with Tiro. It won’t be easy, but it will definitely be rewarding.

At Tiro we celebrate people who see the world differently. In fact, in a science or technology job, it’s practically a prerequisite. We match fearless scientists and obsessive techies with ambitious employers. Ones who value their apprentices and care about career development.

You get out what you put in

We set high standards for both our apprentices and our employers. So you won’t be doing the filing and making the tea all day. You’ll be part of a real team, in a real job, and you’ll be supported and developed like any other team member.

If you know where you want to go and you’re committed to the journey, apply now for a Tiro apprenticeship.

Tiro apprenticeship Other apprenticeships University degree
Stay debt free yesyes
Minimum £15k salary (18-21k on average)yes
Tailored career guidance from industry expertsyesyes
Work at incredible companiesyesyes
Join a communityyesyes
Be part of a truly inclusive and diverse networkyes
Get a Bsc Degreeyesyes
View all our current programmes to help start your career in science and technology
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The Tiro process

We believe apprenticeships offer a great alternative to traditional further and higher education, for people who want to earn while they learn. Find out more how you can get your next step on the career ladder to have a hands on role and responsibilities.

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Current vacancies


Science Manufacturing Apprentice (Level 3) – TARRC

£19,000 / year 24th Sep 2024

As a Manufacturing Maintenance Apprentice, youll be maintaining an effective Preventative Maintenance programme, and ensure all equipment is safe to u...

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As an Asbestos Surveyor/Analyst apprentice , you will have a hands-on role that involves a variety of tasks, including:Key Responsibilities:Investigat...

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Brandon, Suffolk

Construction Materials Technician Apprentice (Level 3) – Simtec

£24,000 / year 20th Sep 2024

Testing and Sampling: Conduct various materials tests on a wide variety of projects including, earthworks, concrete, soils & aggregates and asphal...

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As an Asbestos Surveyor/Analyst apprentice , you will have a hands-on role that involves a variety of tasks, including:Key Responsibilities:Investigat...

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We are hugely proud of our apprentices

You need to be committed and work hard to complete our apprenticeship programmes. Maria helped to formulate the Covid-19 vaccine, Dan’s managing multi-million pound projects and George implemented over £200,000 worth of cost savings. They’re being paid to kick-start their dream career – How’s your career going?

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Hear from current apprentices

"With all the knowledge I have gained through Tiro and KEVICC, I believe that I can take on any challenges I face. "

Patrisia Hincheva Laboratory Technician Apprentice - King Edward VI Community College

Student services

We’re the hub to Tiro. We focus on your success and growth, ensuring you’re best equipped to thrive in your learning environment. We’re dedicated to supporting you whether that be admissions advice, to helping you overcome unique barriers such as learning and personal challenges. We’re here to guide, support and signpost so no-one’s left feeling behind.

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Start your journey

Whether you're curious about becoming an apprentice or taking on apprentices within your business - we're ready to answer any and all questions. Here's how you can reach us...

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